アルバート・カミングズ Albert Cummings

1968年にマサチューセッツ州ウィリアムスタウンで生まれました。12歳の時に5弦バンジョーを弾き始め、後にギターに持ち替えました。20代後半にスワンプ・ヤンキー( Swamp Yankee )というバンドを組んで、1999年にスタジオに2時間ほど籠もってアルバム「The Long Way」に9曲を録音しました。次の2003年のアルバム「From the Heart」は、故スティーヴィー・レイ・ヴォーンのバンドだったダブル・トラブル( Double Trouble )のクリス・レイトン( Chris Layton )とトミー・シャノン( Tommy Shannon )と一緒に作り上げました。他に2003年「From the Heart」、2004年「True to Yourself」、2006年「Working Man Blues」、2008年にライヴ盤「Feel So Good」、2012年「No Regrets」があります。
Feel So Good
Albert Cummings
  1. Party Right Here
  2. Why Me
  3. Sleep
  4. Medley: Hoochie Coochie Man/Dixie Chicken
  5. Barrelhouse Blues
  6. Tell It Like It Is
  7. Rock Me Baby
  8. Your Own Way
  9. Together as One
  10. Blues Makes Me Feel So Good
  11. Rock and Roll
Albert Cummings - Party Right Here
Albert Cummings - Blues Makes Me Feel So Good
Working Man
Albert Cummings
  1. Workin' Man Blues
  2. Say You Love Me
  3. I Feel Good
  4. Girls To Shame
  5. Let Me Be
  6. Feeling End
  7. Party Right Here
  8. I'm Free
  9. First Day
  10. I'm On My Way
  11. Rumors
  12. Please
  13. Last Dance
Albert Cummings - Working Man Blues
True to Yourself
Albert Cummings
  1. Man On Your Mind
  2. Work It Out
  3. Come Up For Air
  4. Blues Makes Me Feel So Good
  5. Where Did I Go Wrong?
  6. Your Sweet Love
  7. Sleep
  8. Separately
  9. Lonely Bed
  10. Follow Your Soul
Albert Cummings - Blues Makes Me Feel So Good
Albert Cummings - Where Did I Go Wrong
Albert Cummings - Lonely Bed
From the Heart
Albert Cummings
  1. Your Own Way
  2. The Long Way
  3. Regular Man
  4. Tell it Like it is
  5. Together As One
  6. Barrel House Blues
  7. I've Got Feelings Too
  8. Living on the Highway Now
  9. Ready as I'll Ever Be
  10. Rock Me Baby
  11. Beautiful Bride
Albert Cummings - Your Own Way
Albert Cummings - Ready As I'll Ever Be
No Regrets
Albert Cummings
  1. Glass House
  2. 500 Miles
  3. Eye to Eye
  4. Checkered Flag
  5. She's So Tired
  6. Your Day Will Come
  7. Cry Me a River
  8. Drink Party and Dance
  9. Foolin Me
  10. Where You Belong
  11. Mannish Boy
  12. Home Town
Albert Cummings - Checkered Flag
Albert Cummings - She's So Tired
Believe -Digi-
Albert Cummings
  1. Hold on
  2. Do What Mama Says
  3. Red Rooster
  4. Queen of Mean
  5. Crazy Love
  6. Get Out of Here
  7. My Babe
  8. It's All Good
  9. Going My Way
  10. Call Me Crazy
  11. Me and My Guitar
Albert Cummings - Hold On
Albert Cummings - Crazy Love
Albert Cummings - It's All Good
Albert Cummings - Call Me Crazy
Someone Like You
Albert Cummings
  1. No Doubt
  2. I Found You
  3. Up Your Sleeve
  4. Movin' on
  5. So Strong
  6. Finally in Love
  7. Make Up Your Mind
  8. Little Bird
  9. Meatlocker
  10. I'm in Love with You
  11. Old Dog
  12. Stay Away from My Sister
Albert Cummings - No Doubt
Albert Cummings - Movin' On
Albert Cummings - Old Dog