ジェレミー・ライオンズ Jeremy Lyons

ザ・デルタビリー・ボーイズ・カルテット( The Deltabilly Boys Quartet )を率いて活動しています。ギター、6弦バンジョー、5弦バンジョー、ウクレレ、電気ベース、ハモンド・オルガン、打楽器類、口琴などを操る多楽器奏者です。アルバムは1999年「Count Your Chikens Before They Hatch」などがあります。
Live at Fribourg
Jeremy Lyons & the Deltabilly Boys Quartet
  1. Salty Dog
  2. Country Boy
  3. Comin' Home
  4. Who Do You Love
  5. Let's Give a Party
  6. Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby
  7. Mystery Train
  8. Come on in My Kitchen
  9. One Cup of Coffee
  10. Everybody Loves My Baby
  11. Cafe Au Lait
  12. Early in the Morning
  13. All by Myself
Jeremy Lyons - Country Boy
Jeremy Lyons - Cafe Au Lait
Silly Goose Music
Jeremy Lyons
  1. Ten Green Bottles
  2. Don't You Just Know It
  3. There's a Hole in the Bucket
  4. She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain
  5. Gimme Gimme Ice Cream
  6. Mail Myself To You
  7. Mellow Down Easy
  8. Old Dan Tucker
  9. Rubber Duckie
  10. Uke Yoke
  11. Itsy Bitsy Spider
  12. Sick
  13. Satisfied 'n Tickled Too
Jeremy Lyons - There's a Hole in the Bucket
Jeremy Lyons - The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Jeremy Lyons - Satisfied 'n Tickled Too
Jeremy Lyons - Hurricane
Jeremy Lyons - Waiting On My Baby