メアリー・フラワー Mary Flower
1949年にインディアナ州デルファイで生れたルーツ系音楽の知識が豊富な演奏者で、ギター教師でもあります。オレゴン州ポートランドを拠点に活動しています。アルバムは、1996年「Rosewood and Steel」、2000年「Honey From the Comb」、2001年「Ladyfingers」、2003年「Ragtime Gal」、2005年「Bywater Dance」などがあります。
Mary Flower
- So Far Doin' Alright
- Ragtag Rag
- Delta Dream
- Suspendimento
- My Bluebird
- Ruckus Rag
- Millwood Waltz
- Can't Take It With You
- Humbug Creek
- Sashay My Way
- Bicycle
- Snail On a Rail
- Atchafalaya
Mary Flower - Delta Dream
Mary Flower - Snail on a Rail
Mary Flower
- Memphis Town
- Drown In My Own Tears
- Me And My Chauffeur Blues
- Six White Horses
- Broke Down Automobile
- Carroll County Shuffle
- WalkingBlues
- Long-Legged Daddy
- Wing And A Prayer
- Jane, Jane
- Fool's Paradise
- Michigan Water
- Hymn
Mary Flower
- Rhythm of the Road
- There Ain't No Sweet Man That's Worth the Salt of My Tears
- Backwater Blues
- When I Get Home I'm Gonna Be Satisfied
- Columbia River Rag
- The Ghost of the St. Louis Blues
- Slow Lane to Glory
- On Revival Day/There's Going to Be the Devil to Pay
- Portland Town
- Daughter of Contortion
- Big Bill Blues
- Temptation Rag
- Up a Lazy River
- Blue Waltz
Mary Flower
- Virginia Bound
- Ladyfingers
- Some Cold Rainy Day
- Baby Please Don't Go/Green Onions
- Bluesette
- Going Down Slow
- Run Sinner Run
- Can't Afford To Lose My Man
- Monkeys On A Binge
- I Almost Lost My Mind
- Yes Sir That's My Baby/I'll See You In My Dreams/Darktown Strutters Ball
- Song For Samantha
Buffalo Records
- Black Rat Swing
- Hobo's Hop
- Raise the Devil
- Black Dog Rag
- La Grippe
- Good News Waltz
- Hula Hoedown
- Monon Blues
- Terminal Rag
- Three Sisters' Waltz
- Ladyfingers
- Crooked
- Hudson River Rag
- Jesse's Jump
- Ragtime Gal
- Arkansas Ramble
- Slovak Stomp
- Maplewood
- Monkeys On A Binge
- Song For Samantha
Mary Flower - Terminal Rag
Mary Flower - Death Letter Blues
Mary Flower - Dreaming of Your Demise